An overview of the brilliant Cormac McCarthy and his works.
Cormac McCarthy’s The Road is a bleak post-apocalyptic novel that follows a man and his son on their perilous journey
through a desolate landscape. We at CarryTheFire.World believe that McCarthy’s novel serves as a cautionary tale about
what humanity might be faced with at any given moment. We believe that The Road’s complex ideas demand careful
consideration from society.
What does it mean to “carry the fire”? It’s a mantra, a way of life. To carry the fire is to maintain hope in a hopeless
world and preserve the light of humanity. One must act in accordance with the virtues that were once commonplace
throughout the world’s cultures.
Please utilize the table of contents below or the navigation menu in the top right corner of your screen to explore this
website’s offerings.
An overview of the brilliant Cormac McCarthy and his works.
A pair of academic essays, researched and authored in-house.
A collection of in-depth analyses of pre-existing interpretations of The Road.
An interactive adaptation of resource foraging as it is seen in The Road.
An interactive simulation in the style of a Choose Your Own Adventure game.
A collection of the resources utilized for the creation of this website.